Stable Families

Father and Son

The Stable Families result area helps to ensure that families have access to the resources they need to meet their basic needs and life goals. This takes shape in a variety of ways including:

• Distributing more than $27,000 in financial assistance to ensure that families would be able to stay in their homes thanks to grants from the Seimer Institute and the Federal Government

• Referring families to community resources such as food pantries and legal assistance

• Partner providing ongoing case management services

The ultimate goal within this result area is for families to be empowered to navigate the resources available to help them reach their long-term goals.

The Food Access Work Group made strides in 2023 to collaborate in addressing food insecurity in West Chicago. A community food distribution calendar was created and distributed early in the calendar year. In the spring focus shifted to children’s food needs over the summer when school is not in session. WeGo Together for Kids committed to be a distribution site through the Northern Illinois Food Bank’s summer lunch program. Each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the summer, kids came to St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church for a free lunch. Partners staffed the lunch and provided not only hospitality, but handouts for the parents and caregivers on various resources offered. Each child who attended also got to take home a free book

We deeply appreciate your
generosity…because of your help,
our family was able to feel safe
and secure about remaining in
our home and alleviated a major
stressor. Your blessing will
impact us for years to come
— Parent

Our Supportive Partners


Community Engagement